Use ADP's Georgia Paycheck Calculator to estimate net or "take home" pay for either hourly or salaried employees. Please 'Signup' above to use the Child Support Calculator.After completing your Signup, click 'Login'. Calculate how much Alcohol you need for your wedding, event, or party in Georgia with the fun and easy With A Twist Alcohol Calculator. If you need to bring a medical assistive device, snack, or other such item to the exam, you will need to fill out an Administrative Accommodation Request Form. Enter your essay, PT and MBE scores in the Exam Score column to calculate your approximate scaled written and scaled total score. Wondering how much alcohol you will need for your next event? Accurately calculate taxes on tipped wages to run payroll for employees in bars and restaurants. Our calculator is free and easy. If you're wondering, "How do I figure out how much money I take home in Georgia?