Maximize Your Membership. The State Bar of Texas offers services to help Texas attorneys with their law practices.Every lawyer, approved for admittance to practice law in Texas, is required to register with the State Bar of Texas. Please fill out the registration form below. We will help you find a lawyer or other resource that best matches your legal needs and financial means. The County Clerk's Office records and maintains the records of the Commissioners Court, the Probate Courts, and the County Civil Courts at Law. To join a section, visit My Bar Page and join online, or download the application. Neither the State Bar of Texas, nor its Board of Directors, nor any employee thereof may be held responsible for the accuracy of the data. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Dallas Bar Association and the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers. Experience. The Calif bar is extremely hard, in part to exclude from practicing law in the state those who are less than well-grounded in the law.