Q: Can I run a search on the NYSBA Web site for a New York attorney that I am trying to locate? All attorneys are required to renew their attorney registration every two years, within 30 days after their birthday.Lead Counsel independently verifies Franchise attorneys in Hillsborough and checks their standing with New Jersey bar associations. For information, call (813) 490-9412 or visit their website. No information is available for this page. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. The LII Lawyer Directory contains lawyers who have claimed their profiles and are actively seeking clients. The State Bar is compiling a list of legal resources for those in need of legal assistance in the wake of Tropical Storm Helene. This page contains a brief overview of the Hillsborough County Bar Association as well as the contact information and a link to their website. This disclaimer sets out the limit of services from selfhelp program and court staff.