Staff members will notify them when the doors to Rm. 1001 have opened for seating. A: Your completed and signed State Bar oath card (name, address, telephone number, and law school) must be turned in at the registration tables at the event.Upcoming Monthly Swearing-In Ceremonies Through the King County Court. (Scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month at pm (Pacific)). A lawyer may not represent one spouse in a matrimonial action where he or she represents both spouses in a pending unrelated action (see NY State Bar. If you are a new law school graduate, please attend the KCBA swearing-in ceremonies following the release of the Bar Exam results from WSBA. Each year, King Hall holds a SwearingIn Ceremony for the alums who passed the July 2019 California bar exam. Free to attend for any attorney who has passed the California Bar Exam and wishes to be sworn in. This event enabled graduates to take the California Bar oath with fellow graduates instead of in a mass ceremony with all bar-passers in the region. These questions are for those applying on motion (Rule 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11).