A: Your completed and signed State Bar oath card (name, address, telephone number, and law school) must be turned in at the registration tables at the event. Admission ceremonies will take place around the state.The State Bar of California emailed to all eligible applicants a DocuSign link as part of your Attorney's Oath packet. All Loyola Law School students who pass the California State Bar Examination will receive an invitation to participate in the Swearing-In Ceremony. The California State Bar has two offices in the Golden State. These offices are in San Francisco (415 -538-2300) and Los Angeles (213-765-1500). The California State Bar has extended CLE deadlines. The State Bar oath packet and registration process are now fully online. One way we celebrate our NLS members is to attend the swearing in ceremonies that occur throughout the state. Active members in good standing of the State Bar of California may apply for admission to the.