The Attorney Admissions Unit is responsible for processing all applications for admission to the Arizona State Bar. A: Your completed and signed State Bar oath card (name, address, telephone number, and law school) must be turned in at the registration tables at the event.Arizona bar exam passers are typically sworn in within a month of when results are released. In 1972, she became the first woman in the nation to hold the post of majority leader in a state legislature. The State Bar of Arizona is a non-profit organization that operates under the supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. Legal information online. He clerked for Judge J. Clifford Wallace, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced law from 1976 to 1983. If you register while in law school, this is called "Law Student Registration. She left the Green Party to join the Arizona Democratic Party in 2004 and was elected to a seat in the United States House of Representatives in 2012. Defendant traveled from California to Arizona to attack ex-wife.