To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 415-538-2000.For questions call 800-843-9053. If you are unable to fill out the form online, you may print and mail the Complaint Form to the State Bar's Intake Department. If you need any more information about how to file a complaint, you may call the Office of Bar Counsel at (410) 514-7051. The Petition elicits certain information including the petitioner's history of bar admissions. You may contact the Maryland State Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Services at (410) 685-7878. No information is available for this page. To maintain a license to practice law in Maryland, attorneys must fulfill several annual compliance requirements. Head to the California State Bar website to download Form F. Please allow the office sufficient time to fill out the form.