Supreme Judicial Court Rule allows attorneys from foreign countries to apply to be licensed to practice as a foreign legal consultant in this Commonwealth. (Type or Print Full Name) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.Refer to the enclosed California Rules of Court and Rules of The State Bar of California as you complete the application and attachments. If you do not have a qualifying foreign law degree, you are not eligible to take the California bar exam. A foreign lawyer cannot provide legal services in the United States without being admitted to at least one state's bar. Foreign lawyers can attend the CA bar directly. But it seems hard to get a job there without work permit. Learn more about which US states and territories allow foreign attorneys to waive into the bar and what their requirements are in this comprehensive guide. Foreign law graduates cannot take any bar exam in any state in America, except under certain conditions. Mia, Because you are a licensed attorney in the UK, you are eligible to take the California bar exam without any further legal education.