If you know your lawyer is deceased, please call 213-765-1715 and leave a detailed message, including the name of the lawyer. Please submit a Licensee Records and Compliance Inquiry form online and provide the lawyer's name and State Bar number.The tasks facing a lawyer who takes charge of the practice of a deceased or disabled lawyer include the following: 1. State Bar of Arizona. Succession planning is essential to every lawyer's practice, proactively protecting clients and colleagues in the event of the lawyer's disability or death. California bar suspends 1,600 attorneys for violating rules set up after Tom Girardi allegedly stole millions. LOS ANGELES, CA JUNE 26, 2014 ---. Bar reciprocity in the United States is a concept that allows attorneys to practice law in a state other than the one in which they're licensed. Attorneys must engage in the "active practice of law and application of trained judgment. The ABA is the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world.