This guide includes forms and instructions for a letter and affidavit to request that the court register an outofstate custody order in Texas. The mission of the Family Law Section is to promote the highest degree of professionalism, education, fellowship, and excellence in the practice of family law.As a free service to the members of the Family Law Section, Forms 211, 212, 215, 216, and 217 are available to download. You must remain in good standing with the State Bar in order to practice law in Texas. Use LawHelp Interactive to fill out court forms and other legal documents for yourself, a friend or a family member. LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free. Come in the form of email from the State. Bar. Family law matters such as domestic relations cases. North Carolina State Bar. He is a 1982 graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law.