Certificate of Good Standing requirements. The State Bar issues a single-page Certificate of Standing to verify an attorney's name, bar number, admission date, current status, any name or status changes.If you need documentation or a certificate related to your oath or admission, please contact the Florida Board of Bar Examiners at 1891 Eider Court. You can order a certificate of status from the Florida Secretary of State. For DC you can order a certificate of good standing from the DC bar as a PDF and then forward them the original email containing the link. My state's highest authority has sent in my certificate of good standing for the July attorney's exam for me. They also sent me a copy of the certificate. The Miami Dade Bar Lawyer Referral Service provides attorney referrals to clients looking to hire private attorneys in Miami-Dade County. The Law Registrar's Office can complete state bar forms, including out of state Dean's Certifications.