Create or renew your membership. The trusted voice for Miami-Dade County's diverse legal community for over 100 years.The following questions are frequently asked about admission to The Florida Bar. Each of the questions below is linked to its corresponding answer. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE YOU MAY APPLY ONLINE OR CALL (305)-579-5733 FOR A LISTING OF DEPARTMENTS. The Miami Dade Bar Lawyer Referral Service provides attorney referrals to clients looking to hire private attorneys in Miami-Dade County. Legal aid organization which provides free or low cost legal services to persons with low incomes. In 1993, Governor Lawton Chiles appointed the State Attorney to complete the unexpired term of former State Attorney Janet Reno. Clio has earned the approval of bar associations and law societies around the world, including all 50 state bar associations in the United States. (305) 434-0731 932 SW 82nd St. Miami, FL 33144.