The State Bar of Michigan (SBM) has no role in determining an out-of-state or foreign lawyer's eligibility for admission without examination. All UBE score transfer and bar exam applicants (starting with February 2023) must complete the Michigan Law Basics online training.ABA Accredited School degree required? No. Minimum time practicing requirement? Each state has its own rules and requirements for admission, which may include: passing an exam. All applicants are required to complete the Michigan Law Basics Online Training prior to admission. Michigan is a Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) state. Someone who went to law school in another state can get licensed as an attorney in Michigan, but there are specific steps and requirements that must be met. For example, California requires bar applicants to take (and pass) the MBE but not take the MEE or MPT examinations. Applicants for bar admission must demonstrate good moral character in order to practice law in the United States.