The Online Membership Directory provides basic information about Attorneys licensed to practice in Texas. Forms are state specific because real estate laws vary significantly from state to state.This essential resource for real estate lawyers provides over 400 forms covering a wide range of transactions. It also features practical commentary. A Purchase and Sale Agreement in Michigan communicates how the buyer will purchase the property. The purpose of this site is to provide easy access to reports and other materials useful in opinion practice, without charge, for non-commercial use. Bar reciprocity in the United States is a concept that allows attorneys to practice law in a state other than the one in which they're licensed. Most of the deeds prepared in Michigan are written on printed forms on legal-size pa- per. You need to understand what a real estate purchase agreement is, how it works, why it's important, and how to get out of one if needed. It is in the estate's best interest to sell or otherwise dispose of the real estate.