The Lawyer Referral Information Service (LRIS) provides Long Island residents and local businesses referrals to the right lawyer for their legal issue. The NCBA Lawyer Referral Information Service will help you hire the lawyer you may need to provide one-on-one personal guidance.If you need additional help, call Member Resource Center at 800-582-2452 or 518-463-3200, or email Member Resource Center (MRC) for support. You can write a letter to the appropriate Attorney Grievance Committee or fill out and submit a form available from their websites. How to Make a Complaint About a Lawyer. Introduction. This page contains a brief overview of the Nassau County Bar Association as well as the contact information and a link to their website. Applicants who participated in the Pro Bono Scholars Program are required to file the Form Affidavit confirming completion of the Pro Bono Scholars Program. The Suffolk County Bar Association and it affiliates may be contacted at the below telephone numbers or e-mail addresses. Fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions completely. You may find directory information on members of The Mississippi Bar on the online Lawyer Directory.