If you are a law student or attorney applicant, you must register with the State Bar in the Applicant Portal. I'm curious if anyone has taken both California and New York in the same year?Is it worth it to do so when the information is fresh in your head? If you live outside of California, you don't have to come back to the state for activities that qualify for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE). About half of the 50 States have reciprocity with each other, which allows lawyers in those States to avoid taking the other State's bar exam. New York State permits admission on motion, without examination, for applicants who have practiced for five of the preceding seven years. A law degree from any New York law school will qualify you to take the California bar examination. Attorneys MUST utilize their Online Services account to file their registration electronically, make changes to contact information, or view receipts. The New York State Bar Association is pleased to offer newly admitted attorneys a two-day Bridging the Gap CLE program. It is recommended that you complete the form(s) at the time you complete the pro bono work.