The application period for Initial Certification will open on March 1. Applications will be accepted through the State Bar Membership Portal.If you are seeking a referral to a North Carolina attorney, please contact the LRS call center at 919.677.8574. Along with your sponsor and course number, make sure to include the attorney's name, bar number, and a breakdown of the credit hours. Bar members may apply for CLE credit after completing the program. Bar members that teach a CLE course may also apply for teaching credit. Grievances against lawyers who are licensed to practice law in North Carolina should be filed with the North Carolina State Bar. Eligibility and Admissions of Attorneys. The LRS matches people who need a lawyer, and can afford to pay, with a North Carolina licensed and insured lawyer in good standing. Submit all forms and supporting documents to the North Carolina State Bar, Membership Department, P.O. Box 26088, Raleigh, NC 27611.