To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 415-538-2000.The Alameda County Lawyer Referral Service can match you with a pre-screened Alameda County attorney qualified to help you with your legal issues. Our mission is to promote excellence in the legal profession and to facilitate equal access to justice. Offering services for lawyers and for the public. The Moderate Means Program is designed for clients who need legal representation for family law and have limited resources. California Lawyers Association is the statewide voluntary bar association for all California attorneys. The Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA) is a voluntary-bar association with approximately 1,500 members. The Criminal Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP) administers the conflicts program for the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda. CEB offers California-focused legal research and solutions.