Through the Clio Affinity Program's partnership with the State Bar of Nevada, you are eligible to receive an exclusive discount on Clio products. Completion of Ohio State's ABA (link is external)-approved Juris Doctor (link is external) (J.Your State Bar Since 1928. Our mission is to govern the legal profession, to serve our members, and to protect the public interest. This form has seven unique sections, each with its own questions. To encourage the study and interchange of thoughts and materials pertaining to the problems, duties and responsibilities of members of the legal profession. Applicants for bar admission must demonstrate good moral character in order to practice law in the United States. Petitioner Gentile, an attorney, held a press conference the day after his client, Sanders, was indicted on criminal charges under Nevada law. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service is a free public service of the State Bar of Nevada for people looking for an attorney. You may apply to serve on an experience panel when completing the online application.