This guide includes forms and instructions for a letter and affidavit to request that the court register an outofstate custody order in Texas. You must remain in good standing with the State Bar in order to practice law in Texas.In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. This is why you will not always find a free fill-in-the-blank form for your situation. The mission of the Family Law Section is to promote the highest degree of professionalism, education, fellowship, and excellence in the practice of family law. The Online Membership Directory provides basic information about Attorneys licensed to practice in Texas. A Responsive Declaration to Request for Order (form FL-320) must be served on or before (date):. 6. The best process for minimizing damage to divorcing families (and maybe one day any case where family is involved). Use LawHelp Interactive to fill out court forms and other legal documents for yourself, a friend or a family member. All State Bar of Texas–copyrighted forms are available in Word for easy assembly.