When you need Grab Bar Installation in or near Palm Beach County, fill out our contact form so we can put you in touch with pros in your area. If you would like to speak to a contractor or get a quote, just fill out our contact form and we will connect you to specialized professionals near you.CALTRACS INSTALL GUIDE - STANDARD. Simply Grab Bars provides assessments for your individual circumstances, offering recommendations and same-day installation. If you need Shower Grab Bar Installation in the West Palm Beach, area, complete our contact form to be connected to local professionals in your area. Grab bar installation, handrail installation, and support rail setup from local professionals. Get quality grab bar installation in your area. If you need Grab Bar Installation in the Palm Beach County, Florida area, complete our contact form to get connected to local professionals in your area. When adjusting your CalTracs, be sure to have the suspension in a compressed state. Our main focus is to assist you in completing your shower grab bar installation project.