The Board of Law Examiners will conduct an investigation of and make a determination about the character and fitness of the applicant for the bar. Learn more about the NCBE character and fitness investigations on applicants seeking a license to practice law in your specific jurisdiction.Each state and territory requires applicants to the bar to pass a character and fitness check before receiving a license to practice law. Background information pertaining to character, education, employment, military service, financial responsibility and criminal history will be required. If you have a question about whether or not to include something in your character and fitness application, you can contact the bar examiners in your state. Students are required to answer questions and produce documentation bearing upon their moral character and fitness to practice law. It's pretty routine to ask for medical records if you disclose medical issues. To practice law in the United States, you must be admitted to a given state's bar (often referred to as "bar admission"). This is for the Pennsylvania Bar. I have found (and I think most lawyers would agree) that bar admissions agencies frown upon nondisclosure.