The Online Membership Directory provides basic information about Attorneys licensed to practice in Texas. E.A. "Trey" Apffel III became executive director of the State Bar of Texas in December 2017.Promoting Professional Excellence in the Law: Serving Lawyers in Every Practice Area in Every Corner of Pennsylvania Elected member of governing council of the Insurance Law Section of the State Bar of Texas (2017-present; elected treasurer 2022-2024; chair-elect 2024-2025). The ABA offers countless resources to lawyers, judges, law students and those who are interested in law-related issues. Please fill out the registration form below. Apffel has served as State Bar of Texas president (2014-2015), on the State Bar Board of Directors, and as a member of the board's Executive Committee. The Board consists of seven members of the bar of this Commonwealth who are eligible to serve a maximum of two three-year terms. Paralegal Division News. Official website of the City of Philadelphia, includes information on municipal services, permits, licenses, and records for citizens and businesses.