Use Online Services on the Board's website to ensure your email and mailing addresses are up-to-date and you receive important Board notifications. Reciprocal Application.General Instructions: If you are a CPA and were not certified in Texas, then you may apply for reciprocity in Texas. Below you will find the contact information, as well as a listing of statutes, for the State Board of Accountancy in each of the 55 jurisdictions. The State Board of Accountancy regulates the practice of public accountants and certified public accountants in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. CPA applicants in the state are required to take a fourhour course covering the Code of Professional Conduct, and then take an open book ethics exam. Maximize Your Membership. The State Bar of Texas offers services to help Texas attorneys with their law practices. Take a look at the CPE requirements for CPAs in Texas. MasterCPE can help you meet your requirements with a wide range of quality CPE courses.