I, (licensee name) solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California. The following questions are frequently asked about admission to the Arizona State Bar.Each of the questions is linked to the corresponding answer. The Attorney Admissions Unit is responsible for processing all applications for admission to the Arizona State Bar. If you were recently admitted in Arizona, licensed as a legal paraprofessional, or registered as an in-house counsel, welcome to Arizona's legal community! Enter your admission date to the Arizona State Bar and your Arizona Bar Number. A: Your completed and signed State Bar oath card (name, address, telephone number, and law school) must be turned in at the registration tables at the event. Arizona bar exam passers are typically sworn in within a month of when results are released. When a seat in the Arizona State Senate became vacant in 1969, she was appointed to fill it. She was twice reelected, quickly rising in prominence.