No information is available for this page. Look up a lawyer, name or bar number search, need legal help?Find a lawyer referral service or free legal help. More than 7000 lawyers statewide are members of the Trusts and Estates Section of the California Lawyers Association. Find the best estate planning attorney serving Salt Lake City. David's practice focuses on sophisticated estate planning, including gift tax, estate tax, and generation-skipping transfer tax issues. His practice focuses on all aspects of estate planning, including trusts, probate, estate and gift taxation and conservatorships. Adam Farnsworth is a member of Parr Brown's business and finance group, focusing on mergers, acquisitions and tax planning for real estate transactions. Andrew J. Rossman - Quinn Emanuel attorneys are some of the most talented trial lawyers in the world. I Am a Personal Represtative for my mom's estate and had a number of issues which required a short legal consultation.