To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 415-538-2000.Complete the Registration Application: Once you have created an account, fill out and submit the registration application. Maximize Your Membership. The State Bar of Texas offers services to help Texas attorneys with their law practices. This page contains a brief overview of the State Bar of California as well as the contact information and a link to their website. Head to the California State Bar website to download Form F. Please allow the office sufficient time to fill out the form. These offices are in San Francisco (415 -538-2300) and Los Angeles (213-765-1500). Bar reciprocity in the United States is a concept that allows attorneys to practice law in a state other than the one in which they're licensed. To practice in the Southern District of California an attorney must be a member in good standing of the California State Bar.