Find out how to resolve a problem without going to court, file a complaint against a lawyer, and how to get money back from an unethical attorney below. The Standing Committee Rules of Procedure provide guidance for requesting an opinion.Requests for an ethics opinion may be made through the Committee Chair. DIGEST: This opinion addresses mental impairments that impede a lawyer's fitness to competently and diligently engage in the practice of law in. Interpretation of the State's ethical rules can be found in the State Bar Ethics Opinions. Printed copies of all City Attorney Legal Opinions are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. No live oral argument or event streams are being published today. Announcements. The Daily Journal has more journalists covering the California legal profession than any other publication. , is a member of the State Bar of California. The ABA is the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world.