(3) "Applicant" means a party seeking admission to the State Bar in a moral character proceeding under these rules. 2.08 "Assigned judge" is the hearing judge.Head to the California State Bar website to download Form F. Please allow the office sufficient time to fill out the form. California Business and Professions Code section 6125 states: "No person shall practice law in this state unless he is an active member of the State Bar. 6079.1 permits the Board of Governors to screen and rate all applicants for appoint- ment or reappointment as a State Bar. During the appeals process, you must carefully follow rules 5.150 et seq. California's attorney-client confidentiality rules are among the most stringent in the country. (See San Diego County Bar Association, "Ethics in Brief. University of San Diego School of School; Southwestern Law School. The Daily Journal has more journalists covering the California legal profession than any other publication.