The trust accounting handbook is a practical guide created to assist attorneys to comply with recordkeeping standards for client trust accounts. Additional copies of the relevant statutes, State Bar Rules, and.The San Diego Law Library is a State Bar of California licensed MCLE provider. Under Rule 1.15, California attorneys are required to maintain sufficient records to track how much money is held for each client at all times. We now are responsible for certifying that we understand how to monitor and how to handle client trust funds. In this guide, we will explore the importance of client trust accounts and provide an overview of how you should set up and maintain them. This handbook provides essential guidelines on client trust accounting for California attorneys. Under Rule 1.14 (c), a lawyer must hold disputed funds in a trust account until the dispute over who is entitled to receive the money is resolved. I'll be presenting on September 23 at California Lawyers Association's Annual Meeting in San Diego. Attorneys: Learn about best practices for handling client trust funds, recordkeeping, and much more in the new Practical Trust Account Reconciliation Course.