Look up a lawyer, name or bar number search, need legal help? Find a lawyer referral service or free legal help.Complete the Registration Application: Once you have created an account, fill out and submit the registration application. Become a Member of the largest Bar Association in Silicon Valley. Positive, transparent, high-energy nonprofit executive with a gift for developing strategic partnerships, tactical plans and forward-thinking strategies. To verify an attorney's recent admission to, or current membership status with, the bar of US District Court for the Northern District of California, SMCBA offers the first 12 months of membership FREE! Members enjoy our card key access to the local Superior Courts after 2 consecutive years of membership. The State Bar General Unit includes all non-attorney classifications at the State Bar of California, including legal secretaries, investigators, paralegals. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRS) is a State Bar of California certified program (Certificate 0039).