The State Bar will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 10 working days. If you have an issue with your attorney, the State Bar of Texas (SBOT)'s ClientAttorney Assistance Program (CAAP) may be able to help.Ethics complaints against attorneys may be filed through the State Bar of Texas. The Bar may be contacted at 800.204. The first step in filing a grievance is to complete a grievance form either through the Bar's online submission system, located at cdc.texasbar. To read about the State Bar of Texas complaint process, click here. If you wish to submit a complaint via mail, please click here to download the form. Willing to provide Pro Bono services for crime victims. The Suffolk County Bar Association is the New York State approved body for reviewing and resolving Attorney-Client Fee Disputes. They may be made on a complaint form (PDF) available on this site or may be made in the form of a letter to the appropriate attorney grievance committee.