To speak with a representative, please call 800-843-9053 if you are in California. If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 415-538-2000.A little video to offer some guidance in completing the application for issuance of the certificate of registration as a law corporation. Promoting Professional Excellence in the Law: Serving Lawyers in Every Practice Area in Every Corner of Pennsylvania Travis Gibbs is a partner in the Public Finance group whose practice relates to the tax law requirements attendant to tax-exempt debt. Travis Anderson is special counsel in the Labor and Employment and Business Trial Practice Groups in the firm's San Diego (Del Mar) office. Travis Jackson works with leading hospitals, health systems and AMCs to bring their most innovative mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures to market. The Austin Bar Association was founded in 1893 as a nonprofit professional organization for attorneys. Its mission is to enhance the legal profession. You can request a legal assistance appointment to seek legal advice.