You cannot have failed any bar exam in the last five (5) years. You can only have failed two (2) bar exams ever.The information on this website is to assist persons who are potential applicants for admission to the Virginia Bar. Bar reciprocity in the United States is a concept that allows attorneys to practice law in a state other than the one in which they're licensed. When you graduate from nationally accredited law school (ABA) you are eligible to take the bar in any of the fifty states. Applicants don't have to provide proof of citizenship or residency, but if you are a foreign attorney, you may not take the Attorneys' Examination. Methods for transferring credits outside Virginia are outlined below. Learn everything you need to know about the Virginia Bar Exam: dates, deadlines, fees, pass rates, and more. The Standing Committee on Legal Ethics was established to issue advisory opinions interpreting and applying the Rules of Professional Conduct. However, private state bar associations regulate the right to practice law in a few states.