We can answer questions about your case, help you figure out which forms you need and how to fill them out, and explain different legal options. Most court documents are provided as PDF files.This guide provides general information and resources pertaining to filing a civil lawsuit in Sacramento County Superior Court. TORT: To commit a tort is to act in a manner that is wrongful and injurious toward another. This video explains the service of process in civil harassment restraining order cases and what you need to know about serving court papers. Understand strict liability torts and the reasons for them in the US legal system. A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability. Facing criminal charges or planning your estate? Our Alameda California criminal defense and estate planning attorneys can help you! What is the Civil Procedure form to fill out to ask for an extension in a Civil Lawsuit in Alameda Superior Court?