What Are Intentional Torts for a Personal Injury Case in Phoenix, AZ? There are three general categories in strict liability: abnormally dangerous activities, keeping dangerous animals, and product liability.Tort cases in Arizona are civil cases involving legal disagreements between entities such as individuals, businesses, corporations, or partnerships. There are two relevant areas of human rights law: international human rights law and domestic constitutional law, for which we treat Uganda as a reasonably. Torts such as negligence, defamation etc. Action the case has more less ceased. Under Arizona law, intentional torts include assault, battery, and invasion of privacy, often resulting in financial damages to the victim. The writ of trespass was introduced in the 13th century and formed the foundation of modern tort law. In the rarely used standard form, the reporter's full name is written out (e.g. When these programs are available the individual will generally be able to complete the two degrees in a year less than if they were taken separately.