There are three main types of torts: negligence, strict liability, and intentional tort. Negligence Tort Cases.Types of Torts Tort law cases fall under three categories: negligence, intentional harm, and strict liability. To schedule a free consultation with our Chicago, Illinois personal injury attorneys, send us your information through our online form or call (312) 236-2900. The Torts Division represents client departments that are alleged to have damaged private property. Chicago commercial litigation lawyers can pursue tort relief for a variety of wrongful acts: Fraud. Breach of fiduciary duty. An example of false imprisonment is a store employee holding you in their shop for suspected theft for an unreasonable amount of time. The classic example of a mass tort is a plane crash, in which hundreds of people were seriously hurt or killed in a single incident. The other major type of economic tort is supervenient on a contract in a more direct sense.