Intentional torts, where someone intentionally committed a wrong and caused an injury to someone else. Directly results in a confinement; OR; Indirectly results in a confinement and there is subsequent intent to leave plaintiff there.NOT False Imprisonment. A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability. There are three types of tort actions; negligence, intentional torts, and strict liability. All three types of tortintentional, negligent, and strict liabilityare prosecuted under civil law. There are three kinds of torts: intentional torts, negligent torts, and strict liability torts. Tort law articulates the legal responsibilities or duties that persons owe one another, and provides victims of conduct breaching those duties with redress. There are three main categories of torts: intentional, negligent, and strict liability. Assault, battery, and fraud are common examples of intentional torts.