Step 1: Read the number to the left of the decimal point and write it in word form. Step 2: Replace the decimal point with "and".Step 1: Convert the fraction into its decimal form. Fill in the remaining place values to the right of the place to be rounded with zeros, or drop the digits after the decimal point. The decimal number 12.3456 is made up of 1 ten, 2 ones, 3 tenths, 4 hundredths, 5 thousandths, and 6 tenthousandths. To add or subtract decimals, write the numbers so that the decimal points are on a vertical line, placing zeros as place holders if necessary. If a number doesn't have a decimal point, place the decimal at the end. You may fill in blanks with zeroes to make the columns easier to line up. An explanation of how fractions and decimals are linked and how to convert between the two. Write the following decimals in the place value table.