An employer is vicariously liable for the negligence of its employees in the course of their duties. Tort liability indicates that someone is held accountable for wrong actions (other than under contract.).Torts are tied to civil court claims. Employers may be held liable for the wrongdoings of their staff while they are carrying out tasks acting within the scope of employment. This expansion of potential liability warrants a recalibration of how diligently employers investigate and respond to allegations of employees' mismanagement. Intentional Torts: Intentional invasion of person or property. An employer's personal liability is tied up with his employees' safety, he has a personal interest in providing a safe environment for them. In most cases, employers, not employees, are liable for negligence under "vicarious liability" laws. FELA attorney discusses the liability of a railroad in a case where a third party, not the railroad employer, is primarily negligent. In most cases, employers, not employees, are liable for negligence under "vicarious liability" laws.