Find the right Tort lawyer in Fairfax, VA. Simply describe your case and you'll be matched to the top Fairfax Tort attorneys near you. We help teachers and school employees who are hurt on the job receive the Virginia workers compensation benefits they deserve.The Plaintiffs allege, though, that the neglect in this instance demonstrates gross negligence on the teachers' behalf. School boards may be held liable for negligent hiring or retention of employees who end up injuring a third party. For more information, contact the VEA Division of Legal Services at (800) 552-9554. NEA Educators Employment Liability (EEL) Policy. As adopting the argument of Fairfax in the last case. The work analyses case law decisions on how to widen the. Atiyah PS, Vicarious Liability in the Law of Torts (1967) at 18. Need a certificate that must be maintained in the minor's school file.