100 requires individuals to present the Standard Tort Claim form with the Office of Risk. The instructions and the Claim for Damages form have been created in compliance with RCW. 4.92.✓ Tort Claim form is typed or printed clearly in ink. ✓ Tort Claim form is filled out completely. Claims for damages (tort claims) forms are online or pick up a copy at the City Clerk's Office, 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 1A, during regular business hours. 5. Before filing a Tort Claim, please read these instructions the Tort Claim form and other appropriate forms in their entirety. Injured workers should file Form CA1, Notice and Claim within 30 days of the injury in order to receive continuation of pay. If I am out on time loss for a Worker's Compensation claim, how does that work with FMLA? Let me use a hypothetical example: Let's say a football player in the 90s we'll call him Apple Drink Sampson, was accused of murder. File or Manage Unemployment Claim.