A tort is the legal term for a wide range of wrongful actions that inflict a loss or harm to a victim. Torts form the basis for tort law.Under the FTCA, the federal government acts as a self-insurer, and recognizes liability for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of its employees. For example, the FTCA contains several exceptions that categorically bar plaintiffs from recovering tort damages in certain kinds of cases. The other two are intentional torts and liability torts. The costs included in this study are only those that are insurable, which will understate tort costs to the extent that they are uninsurable. Have chosen represent major forms of liability insurance and tort liability, but other examples abound. There are three types of tort actions; negligence, intentional torts, and strict liability. The elements of each are slightly different. Lottery (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1997) 99.