The Texas Tort Claims Act requires an injured person to file a notice of claim within 180 days (six months) after the accident or injury. Did you know you can file a legal claim for personal injury in Houston, TX, if injured because of someone else's reckless behavior or negligent attitude?You can file a claim against the government yourself, but we highly recommend working with an attorney who understands the government named in the claim. Procedures to follow when filing a claim: City Secretary's Office City of Houston Post Office Box 1562 Houston, Texas 77251-1562 Facsimile No.: 832.393.1109 Ben Bronston is an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston who will listen to the facts of your situation and help you determine the best recourse. While the most common grounds for filing an injury claim is negligence, you also have international torts, strict liability, vicarious liability, and others. If your case involves the potential liability of a Texas government agency or employee, your injury claim will need to follow a unique set of rules. Find out more about negligence and get a free consultation at Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers. Under our state's regulations, these cases typically must be brought under the Texas Tort Claims Act. Personal injury law is also called tort law.