Comparative negligence laws dictate how the responsibility for an accident will be shared between the parties directly involved in an accident. The Illinois Tort Immunity Act is a state law that limits the liability of certain government entities and employees in civil lawsuits.The law regarding a plaintiff's ability to recover damages for emotional distress as the result of another's negligence is constantly evolving. One of the elements of negligence is "damages," meaning the plaintiff must have suffered injuries or loss for the defendant to be held liable. Practical reference tool covering the most common tort actions in Illinois, providing a guide tailored for each cause of action. You may be able to obtain compensation from the person or group at fault if you are able to clearly and effectively demonstrate that the case is a tort. A reading of that opinion is a necessary introduction to Illinois negligence instructions. To assess a plaintiff's comparative negligence under Illinois law, courts apply the reasonable-person standard, an objective test that asks "whether plaintiff . A defendant in a negligence case is only responsible for those harms that the defendant could have reasonably foreseen through their actions. Every person must act toward others with the caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would use.