An intentional tort is a willful act that violates a patient's rights. Willful and intentional means that the act was done knowingly and on purpose.Which of the following describes the torts that the nurse has committed, in the order they were committed? A: False imprisonment, then assault. Two categories of torts affecting nursing practice are intentional torts and unintentional torts. This video covers intentional torts, including: assault, battery, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, and defamation of character. (1) Parasitic ('pain and suffering'): claims for pain and suffering that come along with a physical injury claim. Meris covers types of intentional and unintentional torts, and the important points to know about being a mandated reporter. Attendance is required for on-campus and virtual scheduled classes, including scheduled Professional. Simulation and Interprofessional Education (IPE) events.