Uncover the intricacies of Maryland Tort Claims in our comprehensive guide. From types of claims to proving fault and navigating legal complexities.Maryland first applied contributory negligence in 1847, in the case of Irwin v. Spriggs. 6. Maryland Tort Claim Act Settlements and Verdicts​​ These are sample Maryland Tort Claims Act settlements and verdicts. An intentional tort is one in which the action is intended. It is purposeful, and the party intends to hurt the other party in some manner. Joint and Several Liability - Applies in tort actions with no comparative negligence. 14. Generally, an employee will be entitled to defense and indemnity if the employee acted in the scope of UMB employment, and without gross negligence or malice. In order to prove negligence you have to show that there was a duty between the person who caused the accident and the person who was injured. If so, they may be liable for any resulting injuries reasonably related to that person's negligence.