Among the diverse landscape of tortious acts, a prominent category emerges in the healthcare realm: medical malpractice. Within tort law, there are three primary categories of torts: intentional torts, negligent torts, and strict liability torts.Medical malpractice lawsuits, in which a patient alleges that the negligence of a physician or other health care provider resulted in injury, regularly. You must prove the legal elements of a malpractice claim to hold a medical provider financially liable for your injuries and damages. A Civil Action Cover Sheet must be filed in each civil case entered into Superior Court. After two years as an associate, the society declined to admit Falcone as a full member, which effectively kicked Falcone out of the society. Business courses are designed to expose students to career planning in business, health, accounting, marketing, law, technological and management occupations. As an extension of formal budgetary integration in the governmental fund types. As an extension of formal budgetary integration in the governmental fund types. • List and define the three major types of torts.