If the plaintiff knowingly and voluntarily assumes the risk of participating in a dangerous activity, then the defendant is not liable for injuries incurred. "Under Maryland common law, a local government is immune from tort liability when it functions in a 'governmental' capacity, but it enjoys no.Strict liability torts rarely apply to municipalities. Insane people are liable for tort of battery, and other intentional and negligent torts. We hold that Wotorson's general denial of liability pursuant to Rule 2323(d) effectively denied any tort liability for negligence, and thus was. This tort might arise in the employment context when an employer, for example, interferes with an employee's ability to get a new job. Insanity: Insanity is not a defense. Insane people are liable for tort of battery, and other intentional and negligent torts. C (1965); Prosser and Keeton § 52, at 352. In situations involving negligence-related car accidents, the law decides who the negligent parties are.