Intentional tort claims are a type of civil claim, so they can potentially provide financial compensation for the victim. There are three types of tort in the state: Negligence in duty; Intentional torts; Strict liability.What types of claims may be brought under the STCA? This article covers the details of the State Tort Claims Act in North Carolina, which lets you file a claim for compensation in certain situations. One of the most common forms of personal injury tort liability arises from car accidents. It is divided into intent, torts against person, torts against property, and defenses. Tort law can be split into three categories: negligent torts, intentional torts, and strict liability torts. The two types of torts are not mutually exclusive. This is not a complete list of all Law digital study aids available on this topic. Duty has been expanded over the years such that today, there is a general duty in the absence of a countervailing policy.